
BrandKeep Versus Google Drive

Google Drive™ is great as a simple storage solution, but BrandKeep delivers superior organizational and retailer-centric features.

Recently, we covered how BrandKeep is different from Dropbox, and why that matters for retailers looking for a solution to organize all their brand assets. But, what about Google Drive™? What’s the value in leaving Drive and adopting BrandKeep?

What Is BrandKeep?

BrandKeep is a Brand Asset Management system that centralizes all your digital assets in the cloud, and provides the means to keep you organized. With unique features like Brand Cards, KeepMail, and retailer-centric Tasks, BrandKeep collects and organizes the marketing assets retailers get from brands, then makes them easily accessible. It shares some commonalities with a traditional DAM tool, or an online storage system, but BrandKeep’s brand/retailer focused tools is where it shines.

What Is Google Drive? 

Google Drive is a cloud-based file storage system that gives users the ability to store, sync, and share files. The big draw for Google Drive is that it’s built to work with all of Google’s other apps like Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and more. For document production and work, there’s a seamlessness there that’s appealing, as any docs you create inside one of Google’s apps will automatically be stored inside Drive and be accessible from any of your compatible devices.

However, this is a generic catch-all service that isn’t tailored to the needs of a retailer, and does little to create a system of organization.

BrandKeep Is More Than Just Storage

BrandKeep and Google Drive both have the ability to store and centralize digital assets. However, BrandKeep is designed with tools to specifically keep your brand’s digital assets organized and easily accessible by retailers – offering more than file storage. BrandKeep gives retailers a system for staying organized throughout the entire seasonal journey.

BrandKeep can sort, collate, and store incoming assets automatically, and attach those assets to tasks assigned to your team. That means a retailer can focus on keeping their store moving forward, knowing that the automatic workflows in place with BrandKeep are handling all the digital assets coming in from brands.

Retailers need a solution to cover the following: A way to immediately find stored assets. A workflow for centralizing those assets. And a way of making the tasks related to those assets actionable within their store. BrandKeep covers all three with Brand Cards, KeepMail, and Tasks.

Brand Cards

Brand Cards give you a central point of access for everything a brand sends, including order forms, digital catalogs, marketing assets, contacts, B2B portals, MAP policies, price sheets, contacts, and more. Retailers don’t have to set up and manage a folder/file structure (as you would in a traditional cloud storage system) because everything is organized and accessible within the Brand Cards.



The large majority of your important brand assets come in through email. But, your inbox isn’t a great place to keep those files organized (and yet it’s the primary way many retailers store assets). Email limits access of the asset to the person who receives it, and if that asset gets updated, some team members may find themselves working with outdated material.

KeepMail handles the process of putting all your incoming assets into the correct Brand Cards, fixing the issue of trying to manage all those assets inside your inbox. Instead of an asset going to one person, it reaches a Brand Card the entire team can access, and is always up-to-date. That means no more sifting through emails to find assets and manually sharing them! Once you have KeepMail set up, all of that collating and organizing happens automatically, and you don’t have to think about it ever again. Assets appear on the correct Brand Card as soon as they hit your inbox.


BrandKeep’s Tasks feature improves the usability of assets and enhances the performance of your team. Tasks help your team keep track of the work that needs to be done, who is doing it, and then ties each task directly to any relevant assets. Team members know exactly what to do, and have access to the most up-to-date version of the assets related to those tasks.

Moving Past Simply Putting Things Away

BrandKeep offers similar storage features to Google Drive, like cloud storage and access from any compatible device. But, unlike Google Drive, BrandKeep also delivers powerful tools that keep your store organized and your team on task. Brand Cards deliver easy, centralized access to all the digital assets related to each brand you carry. KeepMail automatically sorts and stores incoming assets so you don’t have to manually organize all of those files. And Tasks lets you create action items around those assets.

Google Drive is great (we use it!), but if you want to keep your store organized that means you need a tool that does more than just give you a spot to put things away. You need workflows and automation built to handle the work of neatly organizing those assets, then making them easily available to your team so you can work together and create forward momentum in your store.

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